Thanks for contacting us! We get back to you ASAP.

[MCParking Home]"; mail("$toemail","$subject","$text","From: $frommail"); // confirmation email to customer $textautoreply="Thanks for contacting us! We get back to you ASAP."; $subjectconfirm="Re: $subject"; mail("$frommail","$subjectconfirm","$textautoreply","From: $toemail"); } else { $msg="Contact the Scooter/Motorcycle Rally Organizers if you can help or you can donate . . .". "
". "Or even if you just have a question . . . ". "
". "
". "We need sponsors & prizes!". "
". "We need volunteers to spread the word and to give out flyers!". "
". "We need riding clubs to tell their members!". "
". "
". "We need your help!". "
". "". "
". "
". "We'll answer promptly!". "

". "". "". " ". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "
". "". "From :". "". "". "(Your email address)". "
". "". "Subject:". "". "". "". "
 ". "
 ". "
". "

". ""; echo $msg; } ?>