Philadelphia Scooter-Riders Hate These Parking Spaces!
Until recently, Philadelphia scooter drivers could park at bike racks on city sidewalks. Then Philadelphia started a new plan: no more scooters parked at bike racks. Scooters now have to park with the motorcycles in dedicated parking slots on the road. Scooter drivers are having fits and they're now stalking the Philadelphia
Parking Authority meetings demanding that they be allowed to park in bike racks again.
What's the problem in Philadelphia, and why are scooter drivers so upset?
The answer is totally obvious when you think about it: Scooters are frequently stolen, even in broad daylight. Two grown men can pick up a scooter and toss it into the back of a pickup and be gone within seconds.
"Hog" thieves have a harder time since the average cruiser is three time the weight of a scooter and requires about 10 men to pick one up and toss it into a waiting pickup.
To defend themselves, scooter-heads have always tried to park in bike racks where their scoots can be chained to the bike rack. Now that Philadelphia scooters must park in motorcycle spaces, the theft rate of scooters has jumped as the scooter thieves pounce on the now-unsecured little machines.
As we know in Vancouver, local parking administrators are completely unaware of the theft issues that worry scooter drivers, and don't understand what the concern is. In Philadelphia, scooter owners and small motorcycle owners are now stalking the Philadelphia
Parking Authority meetings, trying to get them to focus on this security issue. But the Philadelphia
Parking Authority keeps cancelling and moving its meetings to avoid the outraged scooterists.
Here at
mcparking.ca, we're concerned, too, and we'll do our best to keep you informed.